Walking Foot Quilting

SKU: cl4064

Sale price$48.00
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Friday, May 16, 12-4pm
Instructor: Sue H

Download the Supply List and Pre-Class instructions here.

You’ve finished piecing your quilt and now you have to quilt it. But you’re not quite ready to try your hand at free-motion quilting. What to do? Try quilting with your walking foot. 

The walking foot is great for quilting designs consisting of straight lines and gentle curves. Unlike free-motion quilting, your machine’s feed dogs are raised when using the walking foot, so you don’t have to be concerned with maintaining a consistent stitch length. The machine is doing the work for you. 

In this class, Sue will introduce you to the walking foot and discuss how it works, its attachments and its markings. You’ll learn how to stitch parallel lines of different widths, diamond patterns, angled lines, radiating lines and squared spirals. Then you’ll stitch curved designs including parallel curved lines, spirals, concentric circles and sectioned curves. Finally you’ll experiment with using some of the decorative stitches on your sewing machine with your walking foot.

You’ll leave class with a collection of walking foot designs that you can use on your next quilt. Let’s get walking!

The pattern Sue used for the sample is Floats.

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